My second love……..

Yes I love to build and design websites, but my second love is how to build a thriving business….

What marketing plans/strategies are you using consistently to grow and build your business?

One marketing tip that I would love to touch base on today is client/customer referrals, raving fans!  But before I go into depth regarding what kind of client referral plan you might have in place…..let’s talk about your existing clients/customers…..

Are they happy, no not just happy, are they RAVING about your service and products to their friends and family?

If not, why not?  Are you providing a service or product that goes beyond all of their expectations…….

Are they going “WOW” over your product, how it is delivered, the extra gift you may send them by surprise, or the results your product or services has given them. How have you made them feel?

As a service provider, is your service delivering the desired results….Are you over providing in all areas of customer service….Are you making the client/customer feel like they are the most important person on the earth at that time? Are you checking in with them consistently so they can see what they have achieved?

Surprise your customers with added value, and they will rave about you and your business to friends and family.

I’ll touch base on ideas next time!

21 Marketing Ideas To Drive More Traffic to Your Website